All About ME!

HI all!  I'm Samantha (everyone with the exception of my mum calls me Sam) and I live in the Philadelphia suburbs with my amazing fiance, Jon.  We have two pets, a six month old Pomeranian names Thor and a three year old Ragdoll cal named Tywin.  We are major nerds (as you can tell), but I guess that's part of what makes up perfect for one another!  My interests include fashion, makeup, competitive horse back riding (2003 PA state champ woot woot!), fitness, and cooking up healthy eats for myself and my man!

I graduated from Drexel University in 2010 with a degree in Business Administration and a Concentration in Accounting.  I worked for a consulting firm for a few years performing large scale accounting systems implementations.  As exciting as that sounds (MAJOR sarcasm) I knew that I always wanted more.  When I initially started at Drexel I was a Fashion Merchandising major because well fashion is awesome!  I then realized that unless I wanted to live in NYC, make no money, and basically relive Devil Wears Prada (that book is scary accurate trust me), then I needed a change of major.  I had always liked math (even though accounting is nothing like math), and when you're unsure on career path business is always a safe way to go as far as job opportunities are concerned.  I really loved my business classes, so in the end it was a great choice for me!

So where am I now?  I currently work in my family business with my mom and we are The Numbers Divas!  We perform bookkeeping, cash management, and business coaching / consulting services for small business owners.  Luckily the business has taken off like crazy (thanks to my mother's insane work ethic and drive), and I was able to come on board in June of 2013.  It was a little nerve wracking when I first joined because I was unsure of how it would go working with my mom, but it has been great!  We have a wonderful respect for one another and each others' input, ideas, etc.

Now you might be asking yourself, well why is this chick writing a blog about fashion and makeup when she works in accounting?  Well fashion and makeup have always been my first loves, and I really enjoy writing, so I thought this would be a great creative outlet where I could share my thoughts with the world.  I hope y'all enjoy my ramblings and if you have any suggestions I am more than happy to hear them!

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